LokornMad Privacy Policy

Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The personal data you send us (in particular via the forms on this site) are processed.

In accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) (EU) 2016/679, we provide you with the following information.

General information Identity and contact details of the Data Controller

SAS Akointans
place de la Mairie - 29180 Locronan
Tel : 06 61 71 53 94

The compulsory or optional nature of the data collection is indicated in each form. Without this information we will not be able to process your request.

We do not collect any sensitive data, i.e. data relating to your racial or ethnic origins, your political, philosophical or religious opinions or your trade union membership, or data relating to your health or sex life.

Your rights

You have the right to access, rectify, delete, oppose, limit and port your personal data. You may also withdraw your consent at any time, if this is the sole legal basis for processing.

To exercise your rights, you can contact us at this email address: contact@lokornmad.bzh

CNIL contact details

If you are not satisfied with your approach to our DPO, you can contact the CNIL via the website www.cnil.fr

Data Recipients

The data is processed within our company by the management and the only departments that have to deal with it. In the event that data is passed on to other operators (co-owners or subcontractors), these are listed according to the situations below, and undertake to comply with the RGPD.

Transfer of data outside the European Union

In the case of a transfer of data outside the European Union, our partners and subcontractors guarantee an adequate level of protection required by the European Union, including adherence to relevant local regulations (Privacy Shield, PIPEDA...).

Specific Information

For the situations described below, please note the specific information for each treatment.

You are a customer of our company

Example: you have purchased a product

Purpose of the processing

Your data is processed for the purposes of customer management, i.e. the operations necessary to carry out our services within the framework of the contract which binds us to you (contracts, orders, deliveries, invoices, accounting), as well as the monitoring of customer relations (carrying out of satisfaction surveys, management of complaints and after-sales service...)

Legal basis (Legality according to art. 6 of the GDPR)

(a) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the performance of pre-contractual measures taken at the request of the data subject;

(b) the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject.

Recipients Third parties

External bodies : public authorities and institutions (authorised third parties), social networks and review platforms in which the institution is listed.

Subcontractors : the accounting service provider, IT maintenance and hosting service providers, electronic payment service providers.

Shelf life

(without prejudice to legal obligations to retain or archive documents)

Data relating to bank cards are kept for a maximum of 15 months, unless the customer expressly agrees.

You are a prospect of our company

Example: you are not yet a customer, but you have contacted us by any means.

Purpose of the processing

Your data is processed for the purposes of prospecting management, and in particular the implementation of operations relating to prospecting, the preparation of commercial statistics, the organisation of competitions, lotteries or any promotional operation.

Legal basis (Legality according to art. 6 of the GDPR)

a) the data subject has consented to the processing of his/her personal data for one or more specific purposes explicitly indicated (in the context of a "B to C" relationship with the use of an automated means, such as an e-mail or SMS campaign).
b) the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller (in the case of a "B to B" relationship regardless of the means used; and in the case of a "B to C" relationship using other means).

Recipients Third parties

External bodies : social networks and review platforms in which the establishment is listed.

Subcontractors : web marketing tool providers, computer maintenance and hosting providers.

Shelf life

(without prejudice to legal obligations to retain or archive documents)

FORMER CUSTOMERS: 3 years from the last contractual relationship.

NON-CLIENT PROSPECTS: 3 years from the last contact from the prospect.

At the end of these periods, and in accordance with the regulations in force, we may ask for your express permission to continue processing your data for a further period of 3 years.

In all cases: you are a user (visitor) of our website

Cookies are small files placed on your terminal by your internet browser.

Our site places on your terminal the cookies necessary for its operation, which are not subject to any particular measure, in accordance with the regulations in force.

However, when you enter our site, you are asked to consent to the use of additional and specific cookies; you can withdraw this consent at any time (for more information on the use of cookies, visit our dedicated page). These specific cookies are considered to be personal data.


Your data is processed for the purpose of evaluating website visit data, in particular the compilation of statistics on visits to the company's website (tracking navigation, analysis of user behaviour), the implementation of interaction with social networks and targeted advertising.

Learn more about cookie management.

Legal basis (Legality according to art. 6 of the GDPR)

(a) the data subject has consented to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes explicitly indicated.

Recipients Third parties

External bodies : social networks and review platforms in which the establishment is listed.

Subcontractors : providers of analysis and/or web marketing tools, providers of computer maintenance and hosting.

Shelf life

13 months